Jun 18Liked by Brittany Ackerman

So glad we shared a tiny moment at Elizabeth's presentation. And so glad you are recovering! Hearing your story, besides all the awfulness and trauma, what came to mind is that medical phrase "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras." Between my husband, me, and my son, we've had way more than our share of hoofbeats, and I'm starting to think we might be zebras. Somehow it helps me to think we're zebras rather than focusing on how little doctors know. They can be amazing in a crisis, but the rest is such a gamble.

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I’d never heard that before but I love it!! So glad we met via that very warm space of a zoom room :)

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Jun 18Liked by Brittany Ackerman

I am so glad you’re still here 🤍 and I really need to hear more about Daily Ackermations

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LOL and thank you for letting me livestream you updates from the hospital 💕

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Jun 17Liked by Brittany Ackerman

Every time I read something of yours I think to myself, "this one is my new favorite." I had a traumatizing IUD experience as well and this one really resonated with me. Praying for your healing!!

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UGH I'm so sorry to hear that, and thank you for reading and feeling my pain! I'm doing well now, thankfully <3

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I really love this one, the shattering and the letting. wow. I’m so glad you’re here. PS plz tell me what Snack Time is!

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If you respond to the substack email I’ll get your email and give you the deets!

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And thank you for that most kind note 💕

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Jun 17Liked by Brittany Ackerman

You are a masterpiece! Your gift of writing in difficult situation is admirable. You are much stronger than you know.

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Ugh. I adore this, and simultaneously ache for you. Thanks for sharing.

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